TMJ- Jaw Pain

Don't Continue to have Jaw Pain.  Find out how Chiropractic Care finds and corrects the cause of the problem to relieve your symptoms.

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What isTMJ?

  If you place your fingers in front of your ear you will feel lots of wiggling which is where your skull ( the temporal bone) attaches with your jaw (the mandible) forming the TMJ and involves the muscles needed for chewing. TMJ is an abbreviation for temporomandibular joint dysfunction. 
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Why am I having Pain? 
There are lots of ligaments, cartilage, fascia, disc, muscles, nerves and blood vessels running through this joint. A misalignment of the jaw or surrounding areas changes the function of the joint causing irritation and possibly pain. 

Causes of the pain may included;
  • Added stress from holding the mouth in one position
  • Straining of the surrounding muscles caused by poor posture
  • Interruption of the gliding of the TMJ disc  
  • Muscle strain due to misalignments caused by even minor accidents, traumas, or injuries


Pain, tenderness, tightening feeling in the face, jaw, neck and around the ear when you chew, speak, or open your mouth. 

There is limited ability to open the mouth wide. Symptoms include jaw pain, headaches, tooth pain, neck pain, sinus pain, eye pain, visual disturbances, etc

Locking of the jaw in the open- or closed-mouth position.

Clicking, popping, or grinding sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth.

How Chiropractic may Help

After a thorough assessment is done to find the cause of the pain gentle noninvasive techniques are used to adjust the area. This is done by adjusting the misalignments of the jaw, neck, base of the skull, and relieving the surrounding muscles causing irritation. 

The treatment is gentle and effective for children and adults of all ages with the technique used tailored to patient comfort. 

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